
Is Apple Developing Driverless vehicle In California? Tech Giant May Add Self

This former naval base is in the process of being transformed into test track for self-driving vehicles.


Correspondences between Apple and one potential test site even suggests Cupertino’s vehicles may soon be ready for road testing. The company might be testing a prototype as we speak.

What’s more, it’s been said Mercedes-Benz and Honda have already used the grounds to evaluate their own self-driving cars – which makes it the flawless venue for Apple’s future experiments.

“We would… like to get an understanding of timing and availability for the space, and how we would need to coordinate around other parties who would be using” it, Apple engineer Frank Fearon wrote in correspondence with the facility, according to the Guardian.

Why this matters: Rumors of Apple’s vehicle project, codenamed Project Titan according to various reports, have been swirling for months, but the extent of the company’s progress on the project was unknown.

Tim Cook has been in private meetings with automotive industry executives including Fiat-Chrysler boss Sergio Marchionne.

Apple’s interest in the auto sector is common knowledge by now, but this the clearest indication yet the company has taken its plans beyond the concept stage. GoMentum is closed off from the public, and its entrance protected by armed guards.

Apple apparently declined to comment on the content of the documents, and Randy Iwasaki, executive director of GoMentum Station’s owner Contra Costa Transportation Authority, claims that a non-disclosure agreement prevents the company from revealing any details other than the fact Apple is interested in the site.


A previous email form Fearon reportedly states “We are hoping to see a presentation on the… testing grounds with a layout, photos, and a description of how the various areas of the grounds could be used”.