
Is Donald Trump A White Supremacist?

How can someone so clearly unqualified survive so long?


“In politics, most things are repeats of past things”. The week prior, he was polling at 42 percent.

Many thanks for taking a strong stance against candidate Trump’s spew of baseless accusations.

For a change, Trump barely criticized former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, another Republican challenger, appearing nearly bored at the brother and son of former us presidents whose campaign has struggled to gain traction.

The second critical number is 19.

Republican presidential candidates must know their facts as well, and the media must insist on it, even if that means being accused of liberal gotcha’ journalism by White House wanna-bes who resent tough questions.

The two numbers are obviously connected.

“It is the requirement of the party chairperson to create a level playing field for all Republican candidates”, said Stepanek, who said that as a former member of the state party executive committee and former chairman of the Hillsborough County Republican Committee, he is familiar with party rules.

To get Donald Trump elected ISIS will attack the U.S. before 2016. Today, 28 percent of all Americans rate the terrorist threat as the major issue in next year’s election.

Last weekend he declared that if elected, he would bring back waterboarding – the controversial interrogation technique that simulates drowning but which has been scrapped by President Barack Obama after monitoring agencies said it amounted to torture. Trump’s sort of a new thing. “They want to defeat ISIS”. He has been offending neither of them in the hope inheriting their intimidating support among nativist, evangelical, tea party and other anti-establishment voters. But I’m leading every poll by a lot. “There’s not enough old white guys left to win the presidency”. We firmly believe the answer is no.

The more outrageous he became, the more unassailable he got-until now. “Generalities aren’t going to cut it anymore”, he said.

It’s amusing both Steve Breen and the editorial board (“GOP candidates must call out Trump”, Nov. 24) ridicule Donald Trump in unison as a total radical loser liability.

A large part of the electorate is now rallying around Ted Cruz, and another significant part still supports Ben Carson. He seems to be ahead in Iowa, in New Hampshire, in South Carolina, Nevada. A Washington Post handicapper still predicts Sen. Marco Rubio, another up and comer in the presidential contest.

A third factor is the inherent contradiction facing Republican voters. Carson really never caught on there the way he did for a while in Iowa and the only other person who seems able to seriously challenge Trump there is Romney.

Then there’s the argument that current polls vastly overestimate Trump’s strength. Trump himself recognizes the unprecedented nature of what he’s suggesting, telling Yahoo News that, if elected, he would be willing to implement policies “that were frankly unthinkable a year ago”.

Statistician Nate Silver, in his FiveThirtyEight blog, uses a slightly different measure.


Right now, the betting markets have Donald Trump at about 20 percent to be the Republican nominee. An accurate poll in Iowa, therefore, should list 80 percent as still undecided. Among that group, Citizen Trump scores high. “We have great people in the Muslim population but something’s happening”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at Mountain View College in Dallas on Nov. 17 2015