
Is it Possible to be Pro-Black and Pro-Cop?

Prior to the shooting of police officers in Dallas, Trevor Noah taped a segment for Thursday night’s Daily Show on the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Because don’t worry if you missed it. And if you’re pro-police, then you surely hate black people.


“The hardest part about having a conversation about police shootings in America”, Noah said, is the polarity of the Blue vs.

“You can’t deny the racism”, Noah said.

In light of this week’s string of police shootings, Trevor Noah’s opinion to the way social media is reacting is spot on.

Sadly, divisions seem to be deepening between the Black community and the police.

Noah’s plea comes after what’s unfortunately become standard routine after these painful, lethal instances of police brutality: When some want accountability and acknowledgement that black lives matter, others hear it as an attack on police. Offering an example from his own life, he admitted he didn’t understand how prominent the problem of catcalling was until he saw 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman featuring Shoshana Roberts. He addressed the phenomenon that allows people to remain blissfully ignorant saying,”for some unusual reason, when it comes to videos of police shootings, seeing isn’t believing”. Tamir Rice, there was a video. “Laquan McDonald, there was a video and yet, still, skepticism”.

After giving Americans a lecture on taking sides, he then zeroed in on the importance of American police forces admitting there’s a problem. “And although the problem disproportionately affects black people, it’s not just a black problem; it’s an American problem”.


Watch the full video above.

Trevor Noah on 'The Daily Show': You can be pro-cop and pro-black (with video)