
IS No. 3 in Afghanistan killed in US drone strike

“The level of public support the Afghan Taliban enjoy is higher compared to the Pakistani Taliban“.


There have been several informal meetings between the Taliban and Afghan officials at venues outside Afghanistan in recent months as Kabul seeks a negotiated end to the insurgents’ 13-year fight, but little in the way of concrete progress.

They said earlier the Taliban had urged for a unilateral ceasefire on part of the Afghan government.

The Pakistan and the Afghan government statements did not mention any of the participants by name.

For many, there are concerns that Afghanistan’s peace talks do not follow the same path but analysts say that, despite the shared named of the militants, the nature of the conflicts are not the same.

Islamabad, Jul 10 (IANS): Pakistan on Thursday described peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban it had hosted this week as a major “breakthrough”.

“There are problems in Afghanistan, and the environment can never be ideal for a leader”, he said.

The delegation said representatives from the United States, China and Pakistan were the observers at the meeting who it said welcomed the meeting.

Hekmat Khalil Karzai pointed out that what makes these talks different is that the teams of both sides enjoy official status. His political opponents, including members of ex- President Hamid Karzai’s inner circle, have vehemently criticised Ghani as having misplaced His trust in the Pakistanis, and selling out Afghanistan in the process. He said there is a strong possibility that this matter can be discussed in the next round of talks.

To a question about Islamic State, the spokesperson said that our security agencies were vigilant and advised to take necessary action.

RSF also added that Taliban and other armed groups are unfortunately not the only ones who target the media but the warlords, local politicians and government forces also help to create a climate of fear created to keep journalists at a distance, especially during military operations.


The groups have been fighting for territory as ISIS has expanded its influence beyond the regions of Syria and Iraq that it now controls, experts said.

Islamic State Islamic State leader killed US drone strikes Afghanistan Taliban afghanistan islamic state islamic state leader killed is leader killed afghanistan islamic state leader afghanstan islamic state leader killed afghanistan isis leader