
Is President Trump losing his war against the media?

According to the poll, four-fifths of blacks in SC said the word “safe” inaccurately describes how Trump made them feel, and 80 percent of blacks disapproved of how the president is doing his job. Fifty-four percent of Republicans think the economy is improving, up from 28 percent in December.


As much as some of those taking aim at the GOP lawmakers are likely affiliated with Democratic organizations or groups that are on record opposing everything Trump, the protests are not all about organized opposition to Trump. He has been a vocal critic of President Trump appearing on cable networks and broadcast network television shows.

The results of the survey were released on Wednesday.

Trump has asked Americans to see the media as an enemy to hold in contempt, and the American mainstream clearly disagrees. Two in three said the on the wrong track.

Pollsters found 46 percent of voters are in favor of impeachment and 46 percent are dead-set opposed to it.

Trump’s comments proved be unfounded with a recent 2016 survey on crime in the Scandinavian country showed crime rates had remained stable throughout the past 10 years.

Six in ten said they disapproved of the way Trump talks about the media. “With President Trump’s first month in office behind him, his shaky standing with voters, overall, reflects the appointments and actions which have largely been directed at his base”, said Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion.

So it’s possible that the events between February 11-13, when the Fox News poll was done, and February 16-21, when the Quinnipiac poll was done, shifted some people’s opinions.

“The problem is that we are too credulous of news that reinforces our predispositions and too critical of sites that contradict them”, Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist at Dartmouth University in Hanover, N.H., told the Monitor in December.

The poll employed a random digit dial methodology. For the cell sample, interviews were conducted with the person who answered the phone.

Although responses were down for each of the nine characteristics, the percent of respondents who didn’t choose any increased by just a single percentage point (from 41 to 42 percent)-not a large enough difference to be statistically meaningful. The error for subgroups may be higher and is available by request.


Sampling and weighting. There are a number of smaller ways that different polls’ methodologies can affect the results.

Disapproval ratings are high for President Trump in heavily Democratic Maryland