
‘IS-supporting Philadelphia gunman may have ties to extremist group targeting

Archer is charged with attempted murder and related crimes in the Thursday night ambush of Officer Jesse Hartnett, who was patrolling at 60th and Spruce streets when a man dressed in a long white tunic rushed at his patrol auto, firing more than a dozen bullets from a 9mm Glock at point-blank range.


Two days after a Philadelphia cop was shot by a man who said he had pledged loyalty to the Islamic State, the city’s police and the FBI are investigating a tip that the man was part of a group with radical beliefs that might still pose a threat.

“He walks up to the vehicle and starts firing shots”.

Ross said the attacker told authorities he was pledging allegiance to ISIL, the terrorist group that controls parts of Iraq and Syria.

In his confession, Archer pledged his allegiance to Islamic State.

“We’re sad and upset hearing about the shooting of a police officer last night because I am also son of a police officer and I’m very proud of it”, said Kamal Rahman late Friday afternoon.

According to, Archer’s mother “has indicated that he was mentally ill” and officers aren’t sure if he was actually radicalized. The officer and the man were wounded during the barrage of gunfire, they said.

At the Masjid Mujahideen mosque, which stands around the block from the home where Archer was believed to have lived, Imam Asim Abdur-Rashid said he did not know Archer and was not aware if he had ever prayed at the mosque.

“It has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith”, Kenney said.

The Inquirer, citing police sources, reported that the tipster warned that the three men all frequented an area near where Hartnett was shot and warned police to be careful.

Authorities said they were astonished he survived. According to officials, a struggle followed and the man was subdued by the officer and members of Penn’s security team.

Archer allegedly fired 13 shots at Hartnett, who was hit three times in the arm and had to undergo surgery. Police said once in custody, the man told them he wanted the gun to carry out a robbery at a store.

“In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that what was done represents Islam”, Kenney said. Records also show he was scheduled to be sentenced Monday in suburban Philadelphia in a traffic and forgery case.

Hartnett, a four-year veteran, is being treated at a city hospital.

The woman’s tip from Saturday night could not immediately be corroborated, police told ABC.


Philadelphia Police are investigating an assault inside Penn Presbyterian Medical Center involving an officer on duty.

The harrowing screen grab of Thursday´s attempted killing of Officer Jesse Hartnett allegedly pulled off by Edward Archer Will there be more