
Is This The End of Ben Carson?

Despite facing continued backlash over some of his positions and comments, businessman Donald Trump has maintained his strong lead over other 2016 Republican presidential candidates, a national poll released Wednesday found.


In the Democratic race, Hillary Clinton has widened her primary lead over Vermont Sen. Sixty-six percent of Republican voters view the Florida senator favorably, with only 8 percent having an unfavorable impression.

Chris Christie. He was relegated to the kids’ table at the last Republican presidential debate because of his low standing in national opinion polls.

For example, according to former Reagan Administration’s Secretary of Education William Bennett, now a top nationally-syndicated talk show host, “They will kill Trump before they let him be a president”.

An email to reporters by Rubio’s campaign declared that “Senator Cruz is proving to be rather consistent only in dodging questions”. When enthusiasm for her waned, voters went back to Carson and he rose again in the polls to his late-October peak.

Even as Cruz builds his support among Iowa evangelicals with an eye towards winning the caucus, the state’s track record of selecting eventual GOP nominee is poor. While he thinks Donald Trump has pushed the conversation to topics that matter to Republicans, there’s no way he’d vote for the real estate mogul. But after hearing Cruz speak she’s leaning towards him.

Clinton has a three-point advantage against Carson, and Sanders is up by six points. “Bernie Sanders have to be hoping Trump is the GOP’s guy”, said Malloy.

Both of the front-runners have a problem with trustworthiness.

Trump was well received in Macon, a Republican stronghold in central Georgia, but about one-third of the crowd started trickling out after Trump spoke for about an hour in order to get a head start in navigating an overcrowded parking lot. Just six percent said they could never support Cruz – a number only matched by Rubio at five percent. “As Cruz tries to police women’s health care decisions and deny a war on women, Hillary Clinton will fight every day to protect them against this seemingly endless Republican assault”. Marco Rubio of Florida, 16 percent each for Carson and Sen. It’s his best showing in the poll since August, and a 3-point increase from last month.

Speaking to Bloomberg, Cruz made clear he would, as president, immediately end President Barack Obama’s 2012 program, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals to grant deportation relief and two-year work permits to roughly 650,000 young people brought to the country illegally as children.

What’s more, the Texas senator has endorsed a “Personhood” policy, which would have the practical effect of banning common forms of birth control. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Fox News. Four weeks ago, Carson was in a virtual tie with Trump.

The poll was taken from November 23-30. Just 6 percent say the same for Cruz and 5 percent for Rubio, the lowest in the field.


Twenty-six percent of Republican voters still said they would “definitely not support” Mr. Trump, with 21 percent saying the same of Mr. Bush.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie criticized Sen. Ted Cruz's support for a NSA spying reform bill on MSNBC's'Morning Joe on Tuesday Dec. 1 2015