
‘Isil backs Trump as a president to inspire jihad’

He also offered extensive praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin – even going as far as to say he was a better leader than President Barack Obama.


Probably not the critiques – or hashtag – NBC’s Matt Lauer was expecting after moderating Wednesday night’s Commander-in-Chief forum with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Clinton also responded on Twitter, sharing footage of her press conference after the Commander-in-Chief Forum, and making a dig at Trump and the RNC, stating: “Last night Trump chose to talk about his deep admiration and support for Putin”.

“Are you for invading Iraq?”

She continued: “I found it even surprising how clear and compelling the case was, where he quoted ISIS spokespeople rooting for Donald Trump’s victory because Trump has made Islam and Muslims part of his campaign, and basically, Matt Olsen argues, that the jihadists see this as a great gift”. Her husband Bill Clinton was President from 1992 to 2000; she voted in favour of Republican President George W. Bush’s war in Iraq in 2003, and from 2008 to 2012, she was Secretary of State.

Wednesday’s forum served as a preview of sorts for Clinton and Trump’s highly-anticipated presidential debates.

Former President Bill Clinton says Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan is racist, despite using the exact phrase himself several times during his 1992 presidential campaign.

Clinton hit Trump on Thursday as “someone who has insulted Muslims, insulted a gold star family. someone who has said he doesn’t want to let Muslims from around the world come to our country”. It is scary, it is risky.

“That’s her campaign”, Kristol said.

Obama reacted to Trump on Thursday from Laos. Mook said today: “Last night, it was clear there just isn’t a plan and he’s trying to hide from that and he lashed out at our nation’s generals when he was asked for details”.

Mr Trump’s praise of Mr Putin and his suggestion that the United States and Russian Federation form an alliance to defeat the so-called Islamic State could raise eyebrows among foreign policy experts who feel Moscow is interfering with efforts to stem the Syrian civil war.

Johnson later said he “blanked” and that he knew all about the fighting and tragic humanitarian crisis in Syria’s largest city.


Clinton’s lead over Trump in national opinion polls has weakened in recent days.

Trump levels harsh criticism against US military generals