
ISIS attack on United Kingdom foiled by Brit cops

Police said they were searching addresses and vehicles in the Thames Valley area as well as in west and south-east London.


London police arrest two men suspected of preparing attacks was posted in World of TheNews International – on September 08, 2016 and was last updated on September 08, 2016.

He was held on suspicion of a racially aggravated offence, relating to a “separate matter”, according to Scotland Yard. Police would not comment on any seizures. It is understood the plot is linked to Islamic extremism but police refused to give further details.

Both men are from London.

A 20-year-old was arrested on suspicion of funding of terrorism and failure to disclose information regarding an act of terrorism under Section 16 and Section 36B of the Terrorism Act 2000 respectively.

One of the men, aged 19, was arrested on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts.

The teenager was arrested on suspicion of preparation of terrorist acts.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, who heads the UK’s counter-terror operations, said his officers were carrying out “hundreds of investigations” into terror suspects and dealing with a “steady flow” of plots by home-brewed jihadists.

Today’s arrests came after hate preacher Anjem Choudary, 49, was jailed for pledging allegiance to ISIS.

He headed an extremist network that inspired plots both in the United Kingdom and overseas.


The 19-year-old man arrested in west London was thought to be the ringleader of the group.

Kirsty Wigglesworth  AP
Counter terrorism officers have arrested two men on suspicion of being involved in terrorism