
ISIS militant Jihadi John vows to behead ‘non-believers’ in Britain

In a nerve-jangling one minute 17 second new video, the knife wielding fanatic is seen taking vow to murder all unbelievers and is heard saying, “I will go back to Britain… and will carry on cutting heads off'”.


According to the report, Emwazi promises a triumphant return to the UK with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, to carry on the group’s jihadist agenda.

He says: “I am Mohammed Emwazi”.

Emwazi, who was last seen in a sickening IS video at the end of January, beheading Japanese hostage Kenji Goto, was identified in February as 27-year-old Londoner Mohammed Emwazi.

The clip was reportedly filmed on a mobile phone earlier this summer in Deir Ezzor, a Syrian town held by ISIS.

He adds that he will “go back to Britain alongside the Khalifa”, the leader of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, also known as Isil or Isis.

The British Army’s Special Air Service (SAS) are now said to be in the Middle East ready to catch or kill Emwazi, and he has a bounty on his head of $6m.

However, the entire footage was leaked to an FSA-linked activist in Istanbul who told the newspaper: “He looks at the camera and says: “I am Mohammed Emwazi”. Abu Rashid turned the footage over to Bulgarian police.

Last month there was speculation that Emwazi had fled to Libya.

After Jihadi John’s identity was revealed, several pictures of him emerged from his school days in the UK. He is also believed to have beheaded at least 17 Syrian soldiers.

Dressed entirely in black, a balaclava covering all but his eyes and the bridge of his nose, Jihadi John became a symbol of Islamic State militant group’s brutality and one of the world’s most wanted men.

Emwazi has appeared in seven videos released by Daesh since August 2014, when he beheaded US journalist James Foley. In September 2014, he appeared in a video showing the beheading of US journalist Steve Sotloff and British aid worker David Haines.


He wrote an article in May in Isis’ monthly magazine called Dabiq, warning how easy it was for the group to acquire nuclear weapons.

Jihadi “John” is seen here with slain journalist James Wright Foley