
ISIS to Israel: We’re Coming For You

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi remained upbeat in a new 24 minute audio message, insisting his caliphate is doing well despite an ever-growing series of airstrikes and coalition-building efforts against them, insisting the airstrikes only increase their resolve. “The more intense the war against it, the purer it becomes and the tougher it gets”, he said.


He also said now that the Israelis from all around the world have started to return to their hometown, it will be much easier to start a long and strenuous war with them.

Baghdadi called on Saudi citizens – reportedly the second biggest contributors to ISIS ranks – to “rise up” against their government, as he dismissed the kingdom’s newly formed Muslim coalition against his group. “Know this, you Jews, we will never forget”.

In September, Russia launched an aerial campaign against Islamic State and other extremist groups in Syria.

Despite al-Baghdadi’s bravado, anti-ISIS forces have drawn encouragement from their recent victories.

Commenting on the Russian and US-led airstrikes, the ISIS leader says these had failed to weaken his group, which he says is even “expanding and getting stronger”.

Baghdadi also pledged to attack Israel and the West, saying ISIS has “not forgotten Palestine for a single moment”.

The unhinged message, which was circulated amongst jihadi fighters online, is the latest evidence that the increasingly fragile hate group is falling apart amid reports it is desperately short of both fighters and weapons.

Islamic State, the terror organisation known for beheading innocent civilians and seeking formation of a caliphate, has made a major social media goof-up that blew up on its face rather acerbically. “It is the battle of all the disbelievers against all the Muslims”, al-Baghdadi said. “Soldiers of the Islamic State be patient because you are on the right path”, Baghdadi said, adding “Be patient, because God is with you”.

The US-backed coalition in Syria, which includes Syrian Kurdish forces, Arab and Christian groups, recently captured a strategic dam on the Euphrates River from IS in northern Syria. Also, it was produced by the al-Furqan Media Foundation, Isil’s media arm.


Joining (its fight) is a duty on every Muslim.

UK-MIDEAST-CRISIS-BAGHDADI:Islamic State gets tougher in face of air strikes- audio message