
Islam should not be blamed for Paris attacks

We just can not get a break.


So let’s stop pointing the finger at Muslims for things they are not responsible for.

Similar to the rest of the world, I was heartbroken to hear the news of the terrorists attacks in Paris. “They may have the name Islam in front, they don’t represent my faith, they don’t represent our faith and they may have the name state, but they appointed themselves, nobody in the global Muslim community appointed them”. You do not f*****g shoot people to believe in whatever you are or I am believing – correct?’

“Say what you really are, you are a terror organization”, said Ahmad referring to terrorists.

Should I be screaming “Not in my name”, every time an idiot screams “Allahu Akbar” before detonating? As I argue, the best response to ISIS’ sham Caliphate is an actual Caliphate, but of a very different kind than the terrorists are trying so hard to build. They go on to say that “it is easy to blame the refugees” in Europe for the attacks, but they are also “running away from the same people carrying out these attacks”.

In the Miami Valley, one leader says local Muslims are condemning these acts, and he says these attacks are putting a spotlight on a need for further understanding of Islam.

ISIS has ruthlessly massacred thousands of Muslims in the Middle East and West Africa either for failing to pledge allegiance to its extremist ideology or, in many cases, for simply denouncing its actions.

Kotb, however, does not go out of his way to tell people he is Muslim.

“We’ve also had a chance to talk about how we can reach out to our own people and Muslim communities in order to ensure that they feel fully a part of American and Australian democracy”, Mr. Obama said.

Kuko said that argument doesn’t jibe with the religion’s holy book, however, which states that you can’t punish someone for the sake of someone else.

But where did ISIS originate? This usually leads many to eye Muslim refugees with suspicion and consequently creates more problems for them.

Sharing in that anguish is the Muslim community here in the Midlands. We don’t want these merciless, heartless people representing us in any way or form. Every religion will have those who misinterpret.

He said he doesn’t consider ISIS members or other radicals to be Muslims. While, yes, some European Muslims are refugees, and some are recent immigrants, many more are indigenous, and have been Muslim for longer than many Protestants have been Protestant.


He hopes people will not lump him and his family, as well as other Muslims, with those who he believes distorts religion to carry out frightful acts.

Dr. Rehman