
Islamabad rejects allegations of involvement in Dhaka attack

The US had offered to assist Bangladeshi authorities in bringing to justice those responsible for the attack on the restaurant in Dhaka’s high-security diplomatic zone.


Islamic state reportedly in its 14th edition of Dabiq magazine published on April 13 claimed that they have organisational base in Bangladesh, from where they have plans to attack on India and Myanmar to avenge the persecution on Muslims.

Police chief A.K.M. Shahidul Hoque said five of the dead gunmen were listed as militants and the police had been looking for them.

Emory University says a vigil is planned to remember two students killed when a group of armed extremists stormed a restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He drew attention to the statement by the Adviser to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Gowher Rizvi, refuting a media report that was attributed to him regarding Pakistan’s involvement in the attack, as proof of the Indian media’s “malicious intent”.

But Bangladesh’s government has said all six gunmen killed were locals and five were on a government militant watchlist.

A man places a sign as others light candles during a vigil in Kolkata, India, to show solidarity with the victims of the attack at Holey Artisan restaurant, a upscale cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh July 2, 2016.

“Over the weekend we became aware through social media discussions that some of the alleged perpetrators of the Bangladeshi terror attacks had reportedly at one time studied at Monash Malaysia as well as attending other universities and schools”, Monash University Malaysia spokesman Dr Susheela Nair said in a statement.

The Bangladesh High Commission in Islamabad issued a statement which quoted Rizvi as saying, “The statement issued by Indian media was “utter nonsense” and that he has never issued any statement or spoken to any TV channel regarding the issue”.

Bangladeshi officials, however, have been denying an Islamic State link to the deadly attack.


Bangaldesh’s Information & Broadcast Ministry Hassanul Haq said, “We know the character of Pakistan they are the greatest harbour of terrorism in world. Pakistan reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations”, the spokesman asserted. “You can not stop this jihad until we come victorious defeating you, and the caliphate is established across the world”, said the man.

People attend a mass in memory of the victims of the attack on Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka Bangladesh