
Islamic Jihad to end ceasefire if hunger-striker in Israeli jails dies

The group said Allan’s health had seriously deteriorated, noting that he fell into a coma after suffering from tremors on Thursday night and was put on a respirator.


Israel has not outlined charges against Allan, who was detained in November.

The cabinet authorized the use of administrative detention, mostly used against Palestinian suspects, indefinite imprisonment without trial for renewable periods of six months.

Allan was placed on life support devices on Friday morning by doctors in Barzilai medical center in the south of present-day Israel, where he has been shackled to a hospital bed and under guard since Monday.

Lawmakers argue the legislation is needed to deter Palestinian detainees from hunger strikes to pressure Israel for their release or other demands.

It labelled hunger strikes “a fundamental human right”.

Though the state recently passed new regulations that, under certain circumstances, would permit doctors to force-feed hunger striking prisoners, the doctors have deemed this practice unethical and are refusing to do it, should they be so instructed. Also Sunday, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon issued administrative detention orders for two suspected Jewish extremists.

Israeli lawmakers say the ruling will save prisoners’ lives, protect doctors from legal action, and alleviate the fear hunger strikes could trigger violent protests in occupied Palestinian territories, according to the AP.

Allan was moved to Barzilai hospital from another hospital in southern Israel earlier this week and doctors at both hospitals have so far honoured his wish not to be treated.

I have no idea why he was transferred to Barzilai”, said Karni, a surgeon at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center near Tel Aviv.

Mohammed Allaan, an alleged “Islamic Jihad” member, stopped eating in June to protest against being held by Israeli authorities without charge.

His case is being seen as a test of a recent Israeli law authorising the force-feeding of hunger strikers. He has been taking only water throughout his fast and experts say that survival under such conditions is uncertain after two months.

Allan also had convulsions and hallucinations, and doctors were giving him fluids, electrolytes and vitamins after his condition deteriorated, Dr. Hezy Levy said.

Last year’s war was in part aimed at stopping rocket fire toward Israel from the Gaza Strip, but rockets continue to be fired regularly.

“We will act in accordance with the patients’ rights law and what our ethics allow us to do”.


“We intend to take every measure that could bring him back to the sane path of effective nutrition and not to endanger his life”, he told Israeli Army Radio.

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