
Islamic State militants claim capture of USA weapons in Afghanistan

The photos were released on ISIS terrorist channels on August 6 with the description: “Exclusive: Amaq Agency received photos in which American weapons and military equipment can be seen that have been captured by fighters of the Islamic State in Nangarhar”.


The militants released photos Saturday that show an American portable rocket launcher, radio, grenades and other gear not commonly used by Afghan troops, according to Yahoo News.

The US military command in Kabul denied any suggestion that the soldier had been captured, saying he “has been accounted for and remains in a duty status within his unit”.

The sympathizers of the terror group said the equipment was seized after it repelled a joint raid by the Afghan and US forces in Nangarhar province.

The ISIS loyalists have claimed that they have confiscated military equipment belonging to a US soldier. “The loss of personal identification is unfortunate”.

ISIS provided no explanation of how or when they came by the weapons, but the speculation right now is that they were captured after heavy fighting in late July, when U.S. and Afghan forces fought against them in Nangarhar.

Flesvig said officials were trying to determine how the items were lost.

The sympathizers of the terror group claimed that the equipment was seized after repelling a joint raid by the Afghan and U.S. forces in Nangarhar province.

Besides advising work and special operations missions, American aircraft deployed at least 545 weapons in the first six months of 2016.


The group has gained ground in the country in recent months due to the deteriorating security situation there, which has continued since the USA -led invasion in 2001.

PHOTOS: ISIS Captures American Soldier in Afghanistan?