
Islamic State releases 22 Christian hostages

The Islamic State group (ISIS) in Syria has freed 22 Christian Assyrians, among them 14 women, who were held by the militants in Hasaka province for more than five months, an activist group reported.


“Some have well being points, so we consider they launched them as a result of of well being points and since they’re previous”, Yakoub, chairman of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden, informed Reuters by phone. “No ransom was paid to ISIL through any negotiations”.

The 22 were part of more than 220 Assyrian Christians captured at the time by the IS group after it overran several farming communities on the southern bank of Khabur River in the northeastern province of Hassakeh.

Yakoub added that the captives had not been bodily harmed. It also posted photos on its Facebook page, showing mostly elderly men and women, some in tears, being greeted by a priest. “It gives us some hope that some day those remaining will be released”.

The released Assyrians reached on Tuesday the northern city of Hasakah and were in good shape, following their release, which came after strenuous negotiations conducted by the Hasakah-based Assyrian Church of the East, according to the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights.


During ISIL’s offensive to seize territory in Syria, hundreds of people from different religious sects have been abducted or killed.

Assyrian Christian women and their daughters who fled from Syria attend a prayer for the 220 Assyrian Christians abducted by Islamic State group jihadists in Syria at the Saint Georges Assyrian Church in Jdeideh Lebanon