
Israel approves jailing ‘terrorists’ from age 12

Rights groups have condemned Israel’s approval of a law allowing it to jail children as young as 12 convicted of “terrorist offences”, which is expected to most heavily impact Palestinian children in occupied East Jerusalem.


The so-called Youth Bill was placed in the parliament after much criticism in Israel as well as overseas and received 32 votes in favor, 16 against it, and one abstention.

Tel Aviv, Aug 4:Israel’s parliament has passed a law that allows the imprisonment of minors under the age of 14 charged with terrorism crimes.

Nearly four years ago, on 23 September 2012, Israeli security forces erected a chain-link fence all along al-Ibrahimi Street, a major road in Hebron that passes close to the Tomb of the Patriarchs [al-Haram al-Ibrahimi], leaving the main road on one side of the fence, and a narrow, unpaved and rough pedestrian path on the other.

It was opposed by 16 politicians, with support from 32 MKs and one abstention. At the same time, judges will be allowed to shorten the convicted minor’s prison sentence or cancel it all together.

The statement quoted Anat Berko, a lawmaker from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightwing Likud party and the bill’s sponsor, as saying “to those who are murdered with a knife in the heart it does not matter if the child is 12 or 15”. “We need more laws to protect Palestinian children, not laws to criminalize minors”.

According to the Israeli mission at the United Nations, 47 of the “acts of terrorism” committed over the last 11 months have been carried out by Palestinian minors and 22 Israeli children have been attacked.

B’Teselem has said the incident is an example of “daily life” for Palestinians who have to live under military occupation in Hebron, and there is already much spirited protest over the heavily guarded nearby Israeli settlement of Old City. “Imprisoning such young minors denies them the chance of a better future”, the group said in a statement.

“We note with shame that while some countries call for accountability for violations against children in armed conflicts, when it comes to violations committed against Palestinian children by Israel, they remain silent”, Ramirez added.

Venezuela’s representative Rafael Ramirez called on Israel to “fulfil obligations under worldwide humanitarian law, including the principle of proportionality”, while Israeli diplomats hit back by condemning Hamas’ use of children in Gaza.

Israel says the Youth Bill is in response to months of violence which has killed at least 218 Palestinians and 34 Israelis.


An Israeli Defense Forces spokesman’s office official posted the clip on Twitter.

Image source MRC News