
Israel carries out airstrike on Gaza after rocket fired into southern Israel

During the raid, the Israeli war jets lauched altogether three missiles at two military posts belonging to the Islamic Hamas Movement, respectively to the north and east of Gaza Strip, the security officials said, adding that no injuries were reported throughout the strikes. The rocket landed in an open area near the city of Ashkelon.


On Tuesday, rocket sirens sounded in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council but the army later confirmed that there was no rocket launch and the sirens were a false alarm.

Israel waged its latest war on the Gaza Strip in early July 2014. No injuries or damage were reported.

The Israeli military often targets Palestinians in the Gaza Strip which remains literally cut off from the outside world by a crippling Israeli blockade.

The lifting of restrictions was announced by the British Department of Business, which imposed the restrictions in response to the 50-day conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip last summer.


The Times of Israel reports that recently security forces thwarted an attempt to import more than 13 tons of fuel additive, intended to be used by Hamas to make rockets. They warn that once again we see the pattern is repeating itself, sporadic rocket fire to test Israel followed by an air force strike, a retaliation that is obviously not sufficiently painful for the enemy to halt the rocket fire. “No person should live under the threat of terrorism”, the military statement said.

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