
Israeli forces kill Palestinian in West Bank arrest raid: medics

A Palestinian was shot dead on Thursday, by Israeli forces during West Bank arrest operation, the Israeli army said, the second incident within 24 hours.


The man rushed to help his wounded son but was then killed with a shot in the chest at close range.

He had run downstairs to see what was happening when troops stormed it to arrest his son Mohammed, they added.

She couldn’t affirm his id however acknowledged the needed suspect was not taken into custody.

“As the forces left the scene they were attacked once again by a violent mob who hurled rocks and bricks at them”, she added. “The forces responded with hearth in the direction of the primary instigator”.

On Wednesday, a Palestinian was killed in a separate arrest raid when clashes erupted with residents.

Alawneh was shot in the chest and died shortly after arriving at hospital in Jenin, according to a Palestinian medic. The doctor identified the man as Falah Abu Maria.

Yusuf abu Maria, an anti-Israeli settlement activist in the town, said there had not been any clashes and that the shooting took place inside a house.

Now broadcasting live from an occupied West Bank parking lot, a new Palestinian-funded satellite television channel for 1948 Palestinians already found its studio closed before it could even fill its airtime.

However, an Israeli military spokesperson said that the police officers conducting the raid had been attacked.

“The two movements stress our people’s right to self-defence and to a response to the crimes of the occupation, by all possible and available means”.

The Palestinian Authority’s official news agency Wafa said Abu Maria was killed “in cold blood” while trying to protect his two sons.

“Stop creating this damaging climate immediately”, he added, referring to Israel.

The legislation was drafted following an outbreak of stone-throwing disturbances in mainly Arab East Jerusalem last year following the abduction and murder of 16-year-old Mohammed Ab Khdeir by Jewish vigilantes motivated by revenge for the killing of three Israelis in the West Bank by Palestinians.


Another satellite channel, Hala TV, also serves 1948 Palestinians, but is commercial, they say.

Israeli forces kill Palestinian in West Bank arrest raid - witness - Euronews