
Israeli president warns of isolation over row with US on Iran

At the start of the meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, “Tomorrow we will submit a balanced and responsible budget to the full cabinet”.


With surveys showing American Jewish opinion mixed on a dispute that has strained the US-Israeli alliance, Netanyahu cast his opposition to the Iran deal as non-partisan.

“No doubt that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, and the circumstances surrounding it, where Speaker [John] Boehner did not discuss it with the president or Leader Pelosi or Leader [Harry] Reid put things in a pretty contentious way”, he said.

The senior administration official noted that Obama and Netanyahu had “committed” to reaching a new agreement before Obama leaves office in talks the leaders held in 2013.

That might translate into grassroots pressure on US congressmen and congresswomen weighing ratification of the deal by September 17. So to friends of Israel and the Israeli people, I say this.

CH: That’s interesting because I know there are going to be people who are going to try and play it down and “Don’t make such a breach here”.

Netanyahu, in a webcast to U.S. Jewish groups on Tuesday, said it was his duty to make Israel’s position heard.

The danger posed by these extremists may be even greater than the one Netanyahu sees coming out of Iran because it threatens to rip the Jewish state apart from the inside.

The hawks on the right keep crying that we need a “better deal”. A nuclear armed Iran is far more unsafe to Israel, to America, and to the world than an Iran that benefits from sanctions relief. Unlike the Democrats who oppose the deal, they aren’t hypocrites who support diplomacy except when it comes to Israel.

PH: The Republican approach is one where they want to have all of their demands met and give nothing to Iran.

Amidror does not believe Iran will change, noting that, “This agreement will likely and necessarily lead to the use of force against Iran, at some stage or other, in order to halt its race toward nuclear weapons”. The lobby’s war against our president-a president Jews overwhelmingly voted for twice, by the way-jeopardizes every one of us. but even more or children and grandchildren. My first stint was in 1973-1975 when I volunteered to help out during and following the Yom Kippur War.


Iran on Thursday dismissed as “preposterous” claims that it was cleaning up its suspected nuclear military site at Parchin ahead of inspections agreed under a historic nuclear deal with world powers.

Israel's president Reuven Rivlin gestures during a swearing in ceremony at parliament in Jerusalem in this