
Israeli Soldiers Kill Gaza Teen Near Border

Israel maintains a security buffer zone along the inside of the Gaza border with limited access for farmers, and it is not uncommon for Palestinians to be shot after approaching the fence.


A Gaza health ministry spokesman told AFP that Muhammad Hamed al-Musri, 27, died after being shot with a live bullet west of Beit Lahia.

According to the report, Israel carried out “revenge” operations against Palestinians in August of last year – leaving some 135 Palestinians dead – after one of its soldiers was captured in the Gaza Strip’s southern Rafah area. Palestinians threw stones and Israeli forces fired rubber-coated bullets and tear gas canisters, Maan reported.

A group of young men on Friday afternoon went on a march in protest at settlers’ arson attack on two Palestinian home earlier on the same day in Duma village, south of Nablus, which claimed the life of a Palestinian toddler and badly injured his family.

“There is overwhelming evidence that Israeli forces committed disproportionate, or otherwise indiscriminate, attacks which killed scores of civilians in their homes, on the streets and in vehicles and injured many more”, said Amnesty worldwide. “It seems that Amnesty forgot that there was an ongoing conflict – during which the IDF was operating to stop rocket fire and neutralize cross-border assault tunnels, and Palestinian terrorist organizations were actively engaging in intensive conflict against the IDF from within the civilian environment”.


The West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has been occupied by the Israeli military since 1967.

Amnesty International Claims Israeli Military Committed War Crimes