
Israeli spy Pollard set free from United States jail

Now that he’s out of prison, it’s more likely that Pollard will retreat into oblivion, a relic of an era with very little connection to the present. “And we are happy he will finally be released”.


Jonathan Pollard’s release could mean the removal of a constant irritant in relations between the United States and Israel – which are already deep in the doldrums over the Iran nuclear deal (although Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently been back in Washington mending fences).

Family and friends talked Friday about the small things in life that Pollard will now enjoy – a Shabbat dinner reportedly cooked by his wife, saying the blessing over the wine, and spending time with his wife and friends.

Although the release was seen as a festive moment, Ariel urged Israelis to “remember the harsh attitude” of senior USA officials over the years, including what he said was a presidential promise from Obama in his first term that was not kept.

The U.S. a year ago hinted at freeing Pollard early as an incentive for Israel to continue negotiating with Palestinians. But under the terms of his release he can not leave America for five years.

But within hours of Pollard’s release from a federal prison in North Carolina, his lawyers announced a legal challenge to the conditions of his five-year probationary period, calling it “vindictive and cruel”.

Pollard’s computer will also be inspected periodically by authorities.

The sole American ever given a life sentence for spying for an ally, Mr. Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship during his imprisonment.

“Again the president does not have any plans to alter the terms of his parole”, Rhodes said, speaking of Pollard.

“There is no basis whatsoever to treat Mr. Pollard in that manner, and doing so is vindictive and cruel, as well as unlawful”, Pollard’s lawyers Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman told Reuters. “It’s an abuse of the discretion that parole authorities have in a case like this”. Pollard wanted to join his wife Anne Henderson Pollard in Israel but the parole board will not permit him to move out of the country. “It’s a political decision, and with him, it’s been about politics all along”.

The disagreement over whether Pollard had committed “serious crimes” or was a well-meaning ideologue fretting over Israel’s vulnerability has been the crux of one of the longest-lasting tensions between the United States and Israel. President Clinton rejected Netanyahu’s request. “They own it. President Obama owns his release”. He asked them not to greet Pollard when he left prison.

Netanyahu has instructed Israelis to stay low-key about Pollard’s release because of concern that too warm a celebration might damage efforts to persuade the USA government to let him leave for Israel sooner.

The memo noted that many documents that Pollard gave Israel were originals that included details on sourcing and the identifications of USA agents overseas, potentially putting them at risk. He’s opted to spend his parole in New York City.

According to CBS New York, the petition explained that the ankle bracelet was a health problem because Pollard’s diabetes causes chronic swelling in his legs and ankles.

Pollard’s release was welcomed by a number of prominent American Jewish organizations.

He was released early on Friday morning from a federal prison in North Carolina and quickly headed to NY, where he was set up for electronic monitoring as required under his parole.


Efi Lahav, head of the Free Jonathan Pollard Campaign, said that “it was a special and dramatic day bringing to an end 30 years of pain and hurt while he sat in jail”. He later told colleagues he had been “cultivated” by the Mossad to spy on the United States.

There's a lot of support for Jonathan Pollard in Israel