
Israelis convicted of Abu Khdeir murder

Abu Khdeir was a 16-year old Palestinian from Jerusalem whose killing sparked months of unrest across the holy city, and many Palestinian believe initiated the start of the 51-day war in Gaza that summer.


A court in Jerusalem has convicted two Israeli minors in the killing of a 16-year-old Palestinian boy last year.

The brutal revenge killing of Abu Khdeir was followed by an uptick in rocket fire from Gaza and the launch on July 8 of a full-scale Israeli military operation against the Palestinian enclave. The death toll among Israelis was 67 soldiers and six civilians. Then Ben David lit the match, according to Zaban.

The EU published new guidelines on November 11 for labelling products made in Israeli settlements, a move Brussels said was technical but which Israel branded “discriminatory” and damaging to peace efforts with the Palestinians. The youthful defendants asserted that Ben David gave them “pills and energy drinks”. No one has been charged in the assault.

Police said a Palestinian suspect was later arrested near the scene.

Ben David confessed, incriminating the two minors, and they were all put on remand for eight days. On the sidelines of the event’s opening day, Netanyahu met with U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, as well as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Britain’s Prince Charles, according to Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz.

“It’s all a lie”.

“The court is not honest, they are sympathetic to the criminals”, said Hussein Abu Khdeir, Muhammad’s father.

Witnesses told WAFA an Israeli army force accompanied by staff from Israel’s Civil Administration broke into the area and handed a written notification to demolish the headquarters of an-Nour Cooperative Society, a local charity, in addition to the house of Abdullah Jaber, which shelters his family.

Yesterday’s verdict could further increase Israeli-Palestinian tensions amid a two-month wave of violence that has been convulsing the region.

The family of a murdered Arab teen has blasted an Israeli court for stalling the conviction of the ringleader of the gruesome crime.

At Jerusalem’s main outdoor fruit and vegetable market, according to authorities, one or both of the girls stabbed a 70-year-old Palestinian man in the head with scissors whom they may have mistook for an Israeli.

The criminal indictment against Ben-David portrayed him as a remorseless night stalker who prowled the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem hunting for a weak, vulnerable victim.

During the trial the two minors testified that it was Ben-David who persuaded them to kidnap Abu Khdeir. One teenager promised as Abu Khdeir was burned to death, he remained in the vehicle.

Ben David reportedly refused to defend himself during the trial.


They also said there was enough evidence to convict Ben David, but that the verdict would be postponed until a psychiatric evaluation had been carried out. He could face life in prison if convicted.
