
Issa: Criminal Investigation Into Clinton ‘Only Reasonable Path’

PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Hillary Clinton has relented to months of demands that she relinquish the personal e-mail server she used while US Secretary of State, directing the device be given to the US justice department. “Hillary directed her team to provide her email server and a thumb drive in order to cooperate with the review process and to ensure these materials were stored in a safe and secured manner”, Jennifer Palmieri, spokesperson of the Clinton campaign said in a mass email to her supporters.


“Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011, and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton”, John Kirby, a spokesman for the State Department, said Tuesday about the two emails.

Clinton campaign aides had claimed there was nothing for investigators to find, and the State Department has said it’s not yet clear if the material ought to be considered classified at all. Clinton has repeatedly denied sending or receiving classified documents from her home-brew system during her tenure as secretary of state.

He tells OneNewsNow that the same formula needs to be applied to Mrs. Clinton as was applied to Petraeus, the former Central Intelligence Agency director who pled guilty to one misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.

While technical details about the hardware Clinton used are unknown, Siciliano said setting up a typical private server can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, making it a worthwhile expense for privacy-minded individuals.

Also Tuesday, Kendall gave to the Justice Department three thumb drives containing copies of work-related emails sent to and from her personal email addresses via her private server.

McCullough alerted the Federal Bureau of Investigation in July that classified information was on the account.

“Being the fact that this is Hillary Clinton with significant resources and a reputation to uphold, I would say that those who are seeking out additional information on the servers … would have a very hard time finding something”, Robert Siciliano, an online security expert, told The Post.

Bobby Jindal on Wednesday mocked Hillary Clinton with a prison joke about the latest developments with her private email server, saying, “Orange really is the new black”.

The response comes a day after Clinton turned her personal server over to the FBI for investigation. Two of them have information that has now been labeled classified, while another two are also said to have housed classified information, though it’s unclear if the State Department agrees.

Walker says “it’s about time that she dealt with the consequences of this”.

The Denver-based company got a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week looking into Clinton’s personal email server that she used for government business, according to a local news report.


Grassley stated the inspector basic of the intelligence group had reported the brand new particulars concerning the greater classification to Congress on Tuesday. “They were not marked as classified”. The statement comes with the penalty of perjury if the court determines she purposely falsified any information.

Hillary Clinton gives up possession of private email server