
It Is Official Indiana Governor Mike Pence Is Donald Trump’s Running Mate

Mike Pence, the governor of IN, did what most newly anointed Republican running mates do: He praised the man at the top of the ticket for picking him, he expressed gratitude to family and God, and he got IN a few biographical details and lines of attack against his general election opponent.


In his first interview with his new running mate, Donald Trump said it was alright for Mike Pence to make a “mistake” in supporting the Iraq War, but not okay for Hillary Clinton to have done the same.

“We are going to change things around”, Trump said.

The real-estate mogul is set to officially accept the Republican nomination for president next week in Cleveland.

“Periods for Pence” is now taking aim at Donald Trump.

Trump spoke at length about Hillary Clinton and of Mike Pence’s accomplishments before bringing his running mate on stage. Because, you see, Pence endorsing Cruz was really Pence endorsing Trump.

But Pence on Sunday said he was fine with Trump’s style of campaigning.

He bragged that they had been “crushed”. The announcement comes just a few hours after the Trump campaign’s somewhat unorthodox rollout of Pence as his running mate Saturday morning. Again, Pence seemed to retreat from his strong position on the issue, telling Hannity that Trump is “one of the best negotiators in the world” and added “I’m open to renegotiating these trade agreements”.

“We are going to get rid of ISIS, big league”, Donald Trump tells Lesley Stahl, and Trump’s vice presidential choice, Mike Pence, says it can be done. Chris Christie of New Jersey were also finalists, and both men have closer personal ties to Trump. “What she’s done with her emails”, Trump told the crowd.

“This is the kind of leadership that America needs and it begins with deciding to destroy the enemies of our freedom”, he said. “It’s very simple. And everybody here knows what those consequences are, but I won’t say that because I’m much more interested now in Mike”.


Pence, who describes himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order”, is regarded as a safe choice within conservative circles, able to pick up support among moderate Republicans and evangelical Christians.

Trump-Pence campaign logo is raising eyebrows