
It’s Cruz and Rubio, not Trump and Carson

But how I see the trends going, it would not surprise me if Donald Trump hovers around 25 percent, and you may have Ted Cruz hit 18 percent, maybe close to 20 percent.


How do I know that? Not too long ago, Carson was tied with Donald Trump for first place. He even at one point took over the lead from Trump, which led to some ugly political banter being tossed around. Most recently, questions about his foreign-policy knowledge placed him under days of scrutiny. “So the voters are looking for a lot of those attributes”.

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz says Democrats are making up fabrications about Republicans wanting to ban contraceptives.

Christie, who emphasizes his experience as a US attorney after the 9/11 attacks, dove into the Cruz and Rubio dispute by saying that Cruz and Sen. Rubio is accusing Cruz of being soft on national security and linking him to President Barack Obama. “He saved us money on Obamacare where others have simply wanted to repeal it. He has already saved $2.5 billion by eliminating an unreasonable backstop by the taxpayers for a failed program”, said Rep. Darrell Issa, former chairman of the House oversight committee, who endorsed Rubio on Monday. He has revved up his ground game, and there are plenty of people there who walk the same line he does on the issues.

After being quizzed on his sexist comments made in the past by Fox News host Megyn Kelly, Trump suggested she had “blood coming out of her wherever”. It could actually backfire on the elites and give Trump a bigger boost.

Trump, who is leading the field, spent just $217,000.

“I think I have probably the best Second Amendment record of any person running”, he said, adding: “I’m going to focus on my record”. Christie, Fiorina, Huckabee and Paul are hanging on by a thread. “It’s what is keeping his numbers right where they are, on top”. And he has said he’d like to see all refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war and ISIS tracked once they’re in the United States – though he opposes their resettlement within the country.

Earlier in the day, Trump held a Manhattan meeting in Trump Tower with about 100 black evangelical pastors.

“Cruz has taken a flamethrower to the Capitol, more often and more noticeably than any other insider candidate he is viewed as much more of an outsider”, said Ron Bonjean, a GOP strategist. I can imagine the fear-mongering from the donor class if Trump starts racking up the delegates.

“I’ve been watching this little debate between Rubio and Cruz, and I loved it because I haven’t been so involved”, Trump said on MSNBC.


But here’s an inconvenient truth: None of those polls can tell us, at this point, who’s likely to win the GOP nomination. It would not surprise me if that happens.

Thousands of supporters show up for the Donald Trump rally on Saturday in Sarasota Florida at Robarts Arena. STAFF