
It’s Verified: Edward Snowden Is Now on Twitter

He recently engaged in a wide-ranging interview with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Snowden has been known for his revelations of the United States government’s PRISM mass-surveillance program and other linked secrets about the participation of IT organizations. Asking for a friend.

Snowden spent part of his first morning exchanging jokey tweets and defending his actions as a whistle-blower.

Within a couple hours of launching, Snowden’s account had almost 300,000 followers.

Former NSA contractor cum whistle-blower Edward Snowden is now officially on Twitter. Domestic digital spying on ordinary citizens is an worldwide threat that will only be slowed with measures like a proposed global treaty declaring privacy a basic human right, Snowden said Thursday, September 24, 2015, in a video appearance at a Manhattan forum.

Snowden was a contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton when he leaked details of US surveillance programs to Britain’s The Guardian newspaper and The Washington Post.

Snowden fled to Hong Kong and then Moscow, where he stayed for one month before being granted asylum. He faces charges that could land him in prison for up to 30 years in the U.S.

The Intercept also reports in its Snowden-joins-Twitter scoop that the @Snowden handle “had been taken by someone who hadn’t used it in three years”. Trust us, Snowden’s one handle you wouldn’t want to miss!

Tyson noted that Snowden is called a hero by a few, traitor by others.

Snowden relocated to Russian Federation after turning over top-secret US government documents to reporters.


Edward Snowden has confirmed that he will come back to America, but only if he is accorded a fair trial.

Edward Snowden Is On Twitter! Quick Grab Your Popcorn