
Italy’s Ex-Premier Berlusconi Undergoes Heart Surgery

He had said last week that Berlusconi was in a very serious condition when he was taken to the hospital but was expected to recover fully from the surgery within a month. The Milan hospital said Silvio Berlusconi, who served three times as Italian premier, is undergoing heart surgery. Galatioto will negotiate this and other clauses during today’s meeting and will be following the two scenarios, keeping you informed with live updates.


AC Milan president Silvio Berlusconi has undergone successful heart surgery in Milan, with the sale of the club likely to be delayed as he completes his recovery.

‘I am confident my brother will overcome this challenge and will soon be back amongst us, with even more strength and determination than before’.

Italian media reports said the twice-divorced Berlusconi’s five children were also at San Raffaele hospital.

The aortic valve, which had not been closing properly, was replaced with one made of bovine tissue.

The operation was led by Ottavio Alfieri, the hospital’s top surgeon, with Zangrillo in attendance.

The centre-right politician and media mogul had an aortic valve replaced on Tuesday after suffering what his doctors said was a life-threatening cardiac disorder last week.

Family and supporters have kept a vigil at the hospital since he was admitted.

Zangrillo said the fault in the heart valve was “severe” and that without the operation, “the risk of him dying within the year would be 10 percent”.

He is expected to remain in intensive care for another 48 hours.

Last year, a court in southern Italy found him guilty of bribing a senator to switch factions in a move which helped topple a centre-left government in 2008.


In recent days, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has been among those wishing the conservative opposition leader a speedy recovery.

Talks with Chinese over AC Milan sale extended to June 30 - source