
Ivanka for VP? Eric Trump, Bob Corker support Trump/Trump ticket

Bob Corker on Wednesday removed his name from the list of possible contenders to run as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s running mate, and Iowa Sen.


But, Corker, who chairs the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee and has served as an informal adviser to the campaign on foreign policy matters, said he still backs Trump as the party’s nominee – a feeling reinforced by his recent meetings with the billionaire.

Bob Corker told NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell “I’ve always thought that I’m better suited for other kinds of things”, while sources confirmed to NBC News – after a report in POLITICO – that Iowa Sen.

“All of us are anxious to win the presidential election”, said McConnell, who recently has said Trump’s campaign is improving.

Over the past month, Corker has been under serious consideration by Trump and had submitted personal documents to lawyer A.B. Culvahouse Jr., who is managing the vetting process. The appearance as well as the private meetings the two had throughout the day on Tuesday fueled speculation that Corker was in the running to be Trump’s vice-president pick, but on Wednesday, the Senator took himself out of the running, saying that he would not fit the role needed for a vice-presidential candidate.

On Tuesday night, it seemed like Corker finally understood why.Corker stepped on the stage to introduce Trump at a raucous rally in Raleigh.

“His best running mate, by the way, would be Ivanka”, Corker said. “A lot of people are calling me that you wouldn’t even think about”.

Iowa is expected to be a swing state in November, and Ernst’s high profile at the convention could be key to solidifying support for Trump in the Hawkeye State and throughout the Midwest. “My daughter is Jewish”, Trump said.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Alabama Sen.

“Corker’s withdrawal could be considered a canary in the coal mine with establishment Republicans who are convinced that Trump cannot stay on message and can’t stay focussed on attacking Hillary Clinton without doing some type of damage to his campaign”, said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.

Trump has said he would like a running mate who knows his way around Capitol Hill. “I spent a good deal of time with Paul Manafort just about where things are going”. Joni Ernst, said that she, too, wasn’t interested in the job.

Donald Trump’s pool of potential running mates is down by two.


Ernst, 46, first propelled to the national spotlight during her 2014 campaign with her “Make ‘Em Squeal” ad, demonstrating her no-nonsense toughness, despite her “Iowa nice” demeanor. “He’ll be involved if I can get approval from his wife”.