
Ivanka Trump is ready for primetime

For example, she said that she would call him collect from a pay phone in a janitor’s closet every day at school during recess, and he’d always stop and listen to her.


In fact, as I was waiting for her to take the stage, her latest newsletter hit my inbox at 8:10 p.m., with the subject line “Don’t sweat it”.

The glamorous businesswoman and daughter of the Republican nominee has been a constant presence in her father’s campaign.

“She’s really tried to keep him protected and keep him out of the public eye so he can have some normalcy, which is so important”.

Ivanka Trump spent many months of the primary campaign pregnant with her third child and her father would joke how wonderful it would be if the baby was born in whichever state he was now campaigning, from Iowa to New Hampshire to SC.

“There is no one closer to my father than Ivanka”, her brother, Don Jr., said in an emailed statement.

Setting aside the content of the speech, the structure created problems for Trump that became more apparent as the delivery wore on.

Ivanka Trump: “At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives”.

She spoke of playing with Lego and Erector sets on the floor of her father’s office and learning the real estate business by visiting construction sites with him.

ABC News political director Rick Klein tweeted: “Is there anything Ivanka Trump has said tonight that wouldn’t be cheered at a DNC?”

Trump cited statistics indicating that the biggest driver of pay inequity was not gender but motherhood.

“I think that she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s really a attractive baby”, Trump said to Lifestyles host Robin Leach.

“(He would) nearly undermine my thought process about coming into the family business, because he wanted to make sure that I knew that it wasn’t an expectation of his”, she told Borger. In far too many families, the bulk of the domestic responsibilities of keeping a household running fall to the wife, whether she’s working or not. But she oversees her own clothing empire and a lifestyle website.

The dress, it turns out, was from her eponymous clothing line – and she made sure shoppers knew how and where to purchase it when it goes on sale. A Trump speechwriter has come forward to take the blame.

While viewers from all sides of the spectrum were wowed by her poise, the New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum suggested Ivanka Trump’s ability to effectively rile a crowd was as impressive as it was troubling.


She added: “So even if I bomb, my father won’t hold it against me”.

Ivanka Trump gets ready