
Ivanka Trump Lobbies Women In Prime-Time Convention Speech

Ivanka Trump is thought to be one of Donald Trump’s most influential advisers, a person who can persuade him to hire or fire someone. Instead Ivanka chose to wear Ivanka, as the dress was from her own fashion line.


Donald Trump raised more than $4 million Thursday as the billionaire developer accepted his party’s nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In a personable way, she peppered her speech with anecdotes from her childhood, humanizing her father, while also delivering elegant praise and soundbites on policy.

Ivanka Trump’s glowing speech presented her father as a champion of women who seeks to make childcare free for working mothers.

“He wasn’t always physically present, but he was always available”, by telephone in particular, she said. “I think she could actually help her father and her father’s operation when it comes to outreach to women because I think there’s a lot of Republican women that identify with some of the balances with family versus professional”, she said.

Her speech Thursday is expected to target women, a weak spot in Donald Trump’s support base.

And yet, last week, Ivanka Trump stood up for women and mothers at the Republican National Convention, arguing in favor of equal wages for equal work, improved child care structures and paid family leave.

Trump has said that he thinks it’s easy for companies to set up daycares themselves because all you need is “some blocks and… some swings and some toys”. She vowed that her father would “change the laws and focus on making quality child care affordable and accessible for all”.

Journalist Chris Cuomo found that these claims were not only true, but that women in executive positions received higher wages than their male counterparts. It’s something that can be done, I think, very easily by a company. “It is just his way of being in your corner when you’re down”. Her father would joke how wonderful it would be if the baby was born in whichever state he was now campaigning, from Iowa to New Hampshire to SC.

She told the kind of stories about her dad that I like to tell about my own mother, the things parents do for other people when no one is looking.


Ivanka Trump said further that her father “listens to everyone”, and asks everyone from the engineers and superintendent to the painters and the electricians for their feedback when he is constructing a new project. For instance, Republican women are more likely to say that discrimination is a serious problem facing American women (49 percent of GOP women vs. 34 percent of GOP men). He said it’s legal and doesn’t violate any ethical rules since Ivanka Trump herself isn’t a candidate for office, but said some people might find the promotion “unseemly” in the context of politics. She came across as competent, credible, sensible and strong.

The Trump Paradox: When Men Are Feminists for Their Daughters but Not for Their Wives