
Ivanka Trump Praises Melania Trump’s Speech Amid Plagiarism Controversy

“There is reason to believe that Meredith McIver has been performing Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. campaign duties and is being compensated by the Trump Organization for those duties, and not by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.”, states the FEC complaint.


This week, after it was discovered the parts of Melania Trump’s speech at the RNC convention were plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech, a Trump employee named Meredith McIver stated that the borrowed passages were her mistake.

Mere hours after McIver’s apology came out, The Independent asked whether she was “a ghost writer or a ghost?”

“Yesterday, I offered my resignation to Mr Trump and the Trump family, but they rejected it”, Ms McIver wrote in a statement adorned with the Trump Organisation’s gold-lettered logo.

“She made a mistake … we all make mistakes”, Donald Trump told ABC News later Wednesday. This was my mistake, and I feel bad for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama.

Manafort erroneously referred to McIver as McIntyre multiple times during his remarks, saying: “I did not know about the role of Ms. McIntyre”.

The statement may have been meant to put an end to the controversy, but it actually fuelled even more speculation about the campaign’s machinations. “In working with Melania on her recent first lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people”.

She explained how the whole issue happened in the first place. Instead of owning up to the fact that a (fairly minor) mistake had been made, the campaign kept doubling down and insisted that the copying of text passages from Michelle Obama’s convention speech was not a case of plagiarism.

But an English major at least provides you the opportunity to improve the quality of your cocktail chatter: “Yes, of course I know that Thomas Mann wrote ‘The Magic Mountain.’ No, of course I haven’t read it, but I hope to someday”.


Let’s be clear, this act of plagiarism is not a Watergate-level offense.

Melania Trump