
Ivanka Trump Suggests ‘Lock Clinton Up’ Chants Part of Exciting Convention

“And now he is the people’s nominee!”


Married to multi-millionaire real estate developer and publisher Jared Kushner, for whom she converted to Judaism, the couple are fixtures on the society circuit but also known to like the quiet life at home. If you pay attention, you’ll recognize that Ivanka Trump doesn’t endorse her father’s core policies.

While the brothers have been busy running the successful (and don’t worry, The Donald has said he would give daughter Ivanka “a turn at the helm” as well), they are still doing their best to show their support for their father’s Presidential campaign.

38, Ivanka, 34, and Eric, 32, praised their father for his efforts in the campaign and supported him in his bid for the presidency. “No one is more poised and articulate than my sister and no one will do a better job of explaining to the American people who my father really is”. “And I don’t think anyone does, because she kind of keeps it to herself”.

She asserted that he had more female executives than male at his companies and that women are paid equally as their male counterparts at his firms.

She also commented on the controversy surrounding Melania Trump’s speech that contained plagiarized phrases from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Thursday night, when she addresses the Republican convention, Ivanka, more than anyone else, might be the one to humanize her father to skeptical voters.

Trump shared stories of working alongside her father, which included a special emphasis on the women that he himself promoted. He has called on military partners to shoulder more of the financial burden of defense, and on Wednesday even suggested he wouldn’t necessarily honor America’s obligation to defend North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies if they are attacked. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her’. “She was out in California and really my relationship is with Tiffany”. “Except, you know, ‘Donald Trump‘”.

“As President, my father will change the labor laws that were put in place during a time in which women were not a significant part of the workforce and will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all”, she said.


While viewers from all sides of the spectrum were wowed by her poise, the New Yorker’s Emily Nussbaum suggested Ivanka Trump’s ability to effectively rile a crowd was as impressive as it was troubling. And in the well-received prime-time speech, she made a direct appeal to women, who are breaking in polls for rival Hillary Clinton.

Ivanka Trump daughter of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland