
Ivanka Trump wrong about Trump Organization’s leave policy

Mr Trump’s plan represents a different approach from the one taken by previous Republican presidential nominees.


“The ability to set aside funds will be particularly helpful to women, low-income workers and minorities, who are statistically more likely to reduce time working outside the home in order to provide unpaid care”.

“Cost of childcare is the single largest expense affecting American families. even exceeding housing”, Trump said on “The Kelly File”.

Trump asserted that “my opponent has no childcare plan”.

The one of the few industrialized nations that does not mandate the provision of paid leave for new mothers. Trump noted that “there are a lot of men involved” in child care and that “under the plan we’re doing they will be helped so much”, yet Trump’s child care plan explicitly excludes fathers from access to parental leave.

Discussing her father’s recently unveiled proposals on child care and maternity leave, Ivanka Trump called it a “very comprehensive” plan that’s “long overdue”. But the deduction would provide the greatest benefit to wealthier families, who pay more income tax. Almost 40% of the profits belong to just 10 companies.

These companies make billions from American consumers but don’t contribute their fair share into the economy that helped generate those profits.

But there already is a Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, which would remain in place under Trump’s plan. His campaign was apparently sensitive to the critique, so it chose to throw a bone to low-income families in the form of a “child care spending rebate. through the existing Earned Income Tax Credit”.

In order to have a hope of winning Pennsylvania for the GOP for the first time since 1988, Trump must improve his standing in the suburban counties around Philadelphia, GOP strategists say.

Trump’s child-care plan is ill-considered. And that’s a good thing.

The plan also includes a new tax-advantage savings account that would allow people to save money for the care of children and elderly relatives. He did so with his daughter Ivanka Trump, an energizing force behind the policy, and behind him.

Trump’s child care plan is the epitome of what he has proven to do best: a bunch of nonsensical words that sound nice together cemented in promises that can in no way be kept.

She said the question was “an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women”.

“While Sen. Gillibrand is glad that we’re debating paid leave in this election, she thinks Donald Trump’s plan falls woefully short”, Mr. Brumer said.

What estimates that we do have about the extent of unemployment say it costs the government about $3 billion every year, which sounds like a lot but is pennies in the big scheme of things and hardly enough to pay for a new benefit program that would supposedly cover all Americans moms.

Stay-at-home parents would qualify for the deduction. He then went on to outline details of his childcare plan which included tax deductions for childcare expenses up to $12,000 for people earning less than $250,000 a year, or families making less than $500,000 a year. But a once-a-year-check from the government is not always helpful for families struggling week-to-week to pay their childcare bills.

Lower-income working parents who don’t end up owing federal income tax could still receive the tax break through their Earned Income Tax Credit by an amount worth up to $1,200 a year.


Trump won some of his loudest applause lines when he mentioned Clinton’s recent comment that half of his supporters are a “basket of deplorables”.

Ivanka Trump stood with her father as he discussed his child care proposals at a campaign event in Aston Pa.,Tuesday