
Jackson introduces Spike Lee’s ‘Chi-raq’ in first trailer

Amazon has released a trailer for the upcoming Spike Lee film Chi-Raq (via Amazon’s IMDB).


Timely, politically-charged and deftly amusing, Chiraq is every bit of a Spike Lee joint, and you can catch it when it opens in theaters in a limited run on December 4, 2015.

With a politically-charged message, energized aesthetics and a few suave direct narration courtesy of Samuel L. Jackson, it looks like “Chi-Raq” has everything viewers have come to expect from the one and only Spike Lee. The ensuing movement challenges the nature of race, sex, and violence in America and around the world. In the original play, a woman named Lysistrata gathers a group of women and convinces them to deny sex to men until they end the Peloponnesian War.


Jackson, Nick Cannon, LaLa Anthony, Wesley Snipes, Angela Bassett, Dave Chappelle and John Cusack are also shown in the trailer. It’s great to see her step up to the spotlight in Chi-Raq, and she seems more than up for the challenge based on the trailer – she has an intelligent, charismatic presence that’s hard to resist. Lee’s latest film takes an ancient Greek play, Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, and flips the script by setting the plot against the backdrop of gang and gun violence in Chicago.

Snipes	 Courtesy of Lionsgate