
Jai Courtney Wants Captain Boomerang In Ezra

There is also plenty of talk that Suicide Squad will end up exceeding expectations as the buzz continues to reach a fever pitch among fans of comics, the characters and the storyline itself.


ONE of the most anticipated films of the year is set to hit Dudley’s big screen this week. Adding a Flash cameo will certainly inject some life into the bad guy team-up movie.

Courtney is of course referring to The Flash who features in “Suicide Squad” when Boomerang was originally apprehended and imprisoned prior to being released under Nick Flag’s (Joel Kinnaman) command. Considering the special effects needed for the speedster, it would certainly be a crunch to get it done in time.

Warning: This article contains a minor spoiler for Suicide Squad.

He called working on Suicide Squad under Ayer’s direction “a wonderful experience” that “exceeded expectations” for the actor.

A final cast list also notes The Flash will appear in the film. The “Suicide Squad” star has already considered the possibility, and he thinks it’s “dope”.

Based on his brief cameo in Dawn of Justice, and the Justice League footage shown at San Diego Comic-Con, Miller’s portrayal of the character fits the bill. But it’s not a conversation I’ve had yet. However, that doesn’t mean he won’t do it. “It would be dope to be a part of that, I’d love that opportunity”, Courtney admitted to ComicBook. Ezra Miller’s still untitled “The Flash” solo film is scheduled for release on March 16, 2018.


Due to a last-minute bout of filming, The Flash will be making an appearance in Suicide Squad, Warner Bros.’ heavily-hyped DC superhero movie that opens in one week, according to several sources.

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