
Jamaica Confirms First Case of Zika

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Zika virus outbreaks have occurred in areas of Africa, southeast Asia, South America and the Pacific Islands.


Hall says the Zika Virus causes more than Microcephaly.

“We do have a handful of cases that are being tested that might have been cases imported from travel overseas”, said Savannah District Health Director, Dr. Weems.

Dr. Gregory Taylor said there have been four recent cases in Canada – two in British Columbia, one in Alberta and a newly disclosed case in Quebec, all of them involving people who recently travelled to affected areas. But is the Zika virus a threat here in KOTA Territory?

As for those people who are not traveling in one of the 23 countries infected with Zika, medical professionals are adamant that there is no reason to worry about contracting the disease within the U.S.

Adults infected with the Zika virus experience flu-like symptoms – fever, aches, red eyes – but it’s pregnant women who are most at risk.

The bottom line, officials say, is if you’re planning a trip, you should learn how to protect yourself before you go.

The Zika virus infection was first discovered in Brazil in 2014.

The global health organisation advised countries in the region to strengthen vector control, surveillance and laboratory detection of the Zika virus and neurological complications, as well as communications with those at risk. “That birth defect is a small head and brain called microcephaly”.

World Health Organization estimates there could be up to 4 million cases of Zika in the Americas in the next year.

While mosquitoes are the main source of transmission, but there are other possibilities, Taylor said.


Officials say the infected Virginia resident took a trip to Central America and was bit by a disease-carrying mosquito. Instead of high fevers and intense muscular aches that dengue is known to cause, patients were running only slight temperatures and complaining of joint pain.

Race for Zika vaccine gathers momentum