
James Harrison Calls Roger Goodell ‘crook,’ But is Now Open to Investigation

The MMQB with Peter King If the four players implicated in the Al Jazeera report show up in NY as Roger Goodell demanded, they will be setting a risky precedent. The report was mostly dismissed after the main subject of the leaks recanted his claims of doping as false. Birch also said the league determined that an assertion made in Neal’s affidavit was “demonstrably false”.


Rarely does the NFL pass on an opportunity to monetize a league event, but the Harrison-Goodell interview is likely to occur behind closed doors, even if it might command a $9.99 pay-per-view buy on a Twitter live stream.

Harrison is a longtime leader for the Steelers. Harrison was asked after Friday’s Eagles- Steelers preseason game why he chose to go ahead with the interview. “I’m not going to answer questions for every little thing some Tom, Dick and Harry comes up with”. I never took a PED in my life and I never failed a drug test.

“Whatever evidence they might have or reasoning for questioning for me is out of my control, I don’t know”, Harrison added.

Harrison said he wouldn’t have a problem with filming the proceedings. “I don’t see why we couldn’t have the media there [at the interview], do it live”.

“I think it’s pretty typical of how things have been going with them lately”, Rodgers said of the National Football League pursuing the investigation.

As much as I’d love to see Harrison and Goodell’s awkward, tense meeting, there’s absolutely no way Goodell would agree to any of this. You know, the bigger outcome wasn’t really worth it.

Aaron Rodgers spoke out about the NFL’s investigation into players named in the December Al Jazeera PED report on the Jim Rome Radio Show on CBS Sports radio Wednesday.

The NFL Players Association called it a “public shaming”.

Over the last few years, Goodell’s power to penalize the players as he deems fit has been a bone of contention between the union and NFL.


Adolpho Birch, the NFL’s senior vice president of labor policy and league affairs, sent a memo to the NFL Players Association warning that suspensions will go into effect on August 26 if the players fail to cooperate, USA Today reported.

Philadelphia Phillies&#039 Ryan Howard acknowledges fans after hitting a solo home run during the fourth inning of a baseball game against the Los Angeles Dodgers Thursday Aug. 18 2016 in Philadelphia