
James Harrison giving back his kids’ participation trophies because they didn

James Harrison doesn’t believe in participation trophies.


When Harrison found out that his two sons had been given “participation” trophies, he wasn’t happy.

James Harrison of the Pittsburgh Steelers rejects the notion that every kid should get something just for participating in youth sports.

“What about all the players that sit on the bench or never play a down but yet get a super bowl [sic] ring when their team wins the Superbowl [sic]….same concept…I understand the wrong and right in the trophies…but you shouldn’t be that hard on your boys.”

While thesupports America’s trophy-manufacturing industries, they’re empty awards and Harrison went ham on the whole idea that someone would receive an award for not being the best, for not earning it.

Harrison, 37, has vowed to take the hardware back to where it came from until his sons are worthy, explaining: “While I am very proud of my boys for everything they do and will encourage them till the day I die…”

Numerous comments his post received were positive and agreed with the linebacker, saying they “Absolutely agree” and that he is a “fine example of what a dad should be”. “Which is fine. Your parenting choices are your parenting choices, but when you take to the soap box and say you’re taking a stand because kids should “…not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut you up”, people are going to ask questions.


Alright. No participation trophies everyone. “The first trophy means something, even if it’s just a participation trophy”. If you want a trophy, you’d better win. Harrison said the trophies would be returned until they earned “a real trophy”.

Steelers linebacker James Harrison takes part in drills