
James Woods, of all people, endorses Carly Fiorina for president

Larry Gerston, a longtime Fiorina watcher and emeritus professor of political science at San Jose State University, said after her widely acclaimed debate performance that the hard part is just beginning.


Following back-and-forths among the candidates on the stage regarding the Iranian nuclear agreement and whether defunding Planned Parenthood was worth shutting down the government, Fiorina decided that she “would like to link the issues”.

Fiorina’s campaign declined to provide details about fundraising, but the candidate headlined a fundraiser Thursday night in Los Angeles hosted by notable GOP donors, including former Univision chief Jerry Perenchio.

Fiorina’s broader strategy – both in the debate and moving forward in the fall campaign – is to draft off Trump’s outsider appeal, while presenting herself as a more substantive alternative to the billionaire showman. Would Anyone Vote for That?’ In a firm response to a malicious written personal attack by Donald Trump regarding her face and persona, Ms. Fiorina’s few words, well chosen, trumped The Donald’s last words – demonstrating all the difference between a rogue and a professional.

Listening is indeed an underrated, and underused, skill among politicians.

“Mrs. Clinton has to defend her track record”, Fiorina said. In an oft-told story of being subjected to sexist comments — including being called a token bimbo — Fiorina decided she would not tolerate being disrespected, regardless of the consequences. Were listening.

It is terribly sad when a parent loses a child for any reason, much less the preventable tragedy of drug overdose, Ms. Fiorina. Except what theyre talking about and what theyre doing up there, it impacts those of us down here.

Still, Fiorina has weaknesses that can be exploited, West said. “Carson will take first I think“, Giovanni Triana said.

Klein found similar inconsistencies in Fiorina’s discussion of immigration and Planned Parenthood. One concerning a major fight brewing over funding for Planned Parenthood…Tonight, Andrea Mitchell taking a closer look how the candidates address those issues and how their answers stand up to the facts. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table-its heart beating, its legs kicking-while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.

“Carly Fiorina helped herself a lot in the debate”, Brookings Institution’s senior fellow Darrell West told Xinhua.

Fiorina also recycled some of her most crowd-pleasing lines from the speeches that she has been been giving on the campaign trail.

“We have definitely seen an increase in fundraising, an increase in Web traffic and an all-around surge of support“, said spokeswoman Katie Hughes, though she declined to provide details.

“Like Mrs. Clinton, I, too, have travels hundreds of thousands of miles around the globe”.

FIORINA: I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. “And if they get their news in Spanish, I want them to hear that directly from me”. She knows how to use simple language to make her point.

According to the IBT, it is unclear exactly which substances claimed Lori Ann’s life, but by Fiorina’s account, the young woman “had been battling addictions for years” and according to the newspaper, “she had done three stints in rehab, and even as a college student her parents feared she drank excessively”.

Trump, pouting his lips and looking a bit knocked back, stammered: “I think she’s got a handsome face and I think she’s a attractive woman”.


And I may be an entertainer, because I’ve had number one best sellers all over the place, with the “Apprentice” and everything else I’ve done…

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