
Jamestown kicks off 25th Lucille Ball Comedy Festival

Tom Andolora, a Jamestown resident, lifelong Lucy fan and supporter of the new sculpture, had been on the program to speak after the unveiling but said he was removed at the last minute.


Palmer says that research was key to capturing not just Ball’s movements, but also a sense of the era.

Poulin said he ended up receiving hundreds of angry emails and even death threats for his donated piece, which depicted Ball from the famous “I Love Lucy” episode in which she auditions for a “Vitameatavegamin” health tonic ad. Critics blasted its disturbingly wide-eyed and even zombie-like face.

A new Lucille Ball statue will be revealed on Saturday on what would have been the “Queen of Comedy’s” 105th birthday.

Palmer thanked the “salt-of-the-earth” people of Celoron.

The town first erected a life-size bronze tribute by sculptor Dave Poulin in 2009, but it was soon dubbed “Scary Lucy” by townsfolk for its ugly, toothy grin and vacant eyes.

After a Facebook campaign to get rid of the statue, Poulin apologized in a letter to The Hollywood Reporter for what he called “by far my most unsettling sculpture”. This year marks the 65th year anniversary of “I love Lucy”.

Sculptor Carolyn D. Palmer prepares to unveil a new statue of Lucille Ball in Celoron, N.Y., Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016.

However, the old statue is likely to stay put as it has become a unique tourist attraction in the “I Love Lucy” star’s home.

According to Yahoo News, the mayor of Celoron, Scott Schrecengost, said the cost to replace the statue would be huge, so rather than using taxpayer money to do it, he would set up a community fund.

“I’m a thin-skinned person and artists are sensitive, and I do feel bad for that other fellow”, she explained.

“I don’t think you should write a book until you tell the absolute truth”, Lucille said.

The new statue was unveiled on what would have been Ball’s 95th birthday.

Palmer, who recently completed a commission of Pope Francis that was briefly installed in the pontiff’s residence during his recent trip to the United States, agonized over the sculpture for 10 months.


Poulin apologized previous year for crafting the memorial park’s original bronze, saying he didn’t mean to “disparage in any way the memories of the iconic Lucy image”.

The new statue of Lucille Ball is unveiled in the Lucille Ball Memorial Park in Celoron on Saturday Aug. 6 2016