
Jammu & Kashmir : Separatists to extend strike call for three more days

The federal cabinet on Friday chose to convene a joint session of the parliament on the Kashmir situation and announced that July 19 would be marked as a black day against the killing of innocent Kashmiris by security forces in Indian-Held Kashmir (IHK).


The development was confirmed by leading Pakistan daily “Dawn” which quoted the government sources as saying.

“Pakistan would continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support for Kashmiris in their just struggle for right to self-determination”, the prime minister said.

With Pakistani television channels launching a campaign, the government has suspended cable TV services in Jammu and Kashmir amid violent protests over last week’s killing of separatist leader Burhan Wani.

In a further bid to internationalise the issue, the Pakistan cabinet decided that all its embassies worldwide as well as the Foreign Office should register a protest against Indian atrocities in India-held Kashmir by submitting resolutions to the United Nations.

Lashing out at Pakistan for observing “Black Day” over the deaths of the Kashmiri people, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday said the Asian neighbourhood should instead observe “Black Year” for breeding terrorism.

Pakistan also briefed the ambassadors of African and Middle Eastern countries over the situation in Kashmir.

India does not want the people of Kashmir to participate in the July 19 “black day”. The special sitting of the federal cabinet made a decision to convene a joint session of parliament to discuss the ongoing violence.

PM said that 0.7 million Indian soldiers deployed in the occupied Kashmir could not suppress the movement of freedom of region’s people.

The cabinet also condemned the terrorist attacks in France, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Turkey and Indonesia.

It said the Kashmiri leadership should be involved in the talks between Pakistan and India over Kashmir issue. India can no longer be in denial of these facts by terming the situation as its internal matter.


The OIC Secretary General noted with regret the Indian attempt to malign the Kashmiris’ legitimate freedom struggle by equating it with terrorism.

Pakistan to observe 'Kashmir's Accession Day&#039 today 'Black Day&#039 on July 20