
Jared Fogle child pornography whistblower speaks

“This is about using wealth, status and secrecy to illegally exploit children”, U.S. Attorney Josh Minkler said.


Fogle’s plea agreement signals his intention to go to federal prison for his crimes, but Taylor’s case is still in flux.

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan School District of Washington Township confirmed that Fogle‘s photo was removed after the announcement that he plans to plead guilty to federal charges and had agreed to serve at least five years behind bars.

From 2007 to this past June, Fogle, 37, traveled from state to state in order to engage in “commercial sexual activity”, including with minors, feds said.

Under a plea deal reached with prosecutors, Fogle is expected to plead guilty to both charges and could spend between five to 12 years in prison.

In the end, the judge will have a huge amount of discretion in sentencing Fogle. Until yesterday, it appeared the only charges involved possessing child porn.

Jared Fogle was charged as a consumer, traveling to engage in sex with a minor.

Amid a crush of reporters, Fogle walked out of the courthouse to a waiting auto.

McLaughlin is asking the court to determine issues related to the custody of her and Fogle’s son and daughter. Others waved signs accusing authorities of going light on Fogle while giving many minorities rougher treatment.

Mr. Fogle appeared in hundreds of Subway ads starting in 2000 after he lost 245 pounds on a diet consisting largely of the chain’s sandwiches. He was the public face of the company for more than 15 years – a period in which its number of locations tripled, making Subway the world’s largest restaurant chain. She said with Las Vegas hosting conventions, big events and fights, it is a big market for exploiters to bring young girls – and the demand is there.

Another hit on Fogle’s life is the announcement on Wednesday by his second wife, Katie McLaughlin Fogle, of her decision to file for divorce.

While Metro officials say none of the victims listed in Fogle’s case are from Las Vegas, Brown said she believes it spotlights a bigger problem of exploitation of young girls in the Valley.

The U.S. Attorney scheduled a press conference Wednesday afternoon, according to a Fox59 report, which also reported that Ron Elberger, Fogle’s attorney, said his client had no comment regarding the plea or deal.

“It total, Mr. Fogle admitted in court pleadings filed today that his actions caused the sexual victimization of a total of 12 minors in Indiana before his co-conspirator’s arrest in April 2015”. The videos and images were taken via secret cameras in Taylor’s home.


The documents also allege that Fogle received images and videos of nude children from the former executive director of Fogle’s childhood obesity charity, Russell Taylor. “Well, look, trials take time and money”, Soffer says.

Subway's Jared pleads guilty to child porn charges