
Jared Leto Homophobic? ‘Don’t Disclose Your Sexuality,’ He Says

The DC Comics superhero film, which was shot primarily in Toronto last summer, contributed more than $80 million to the provincial economy, according to a statement released by Motion Picture Association-Canada on Friday.


Each movie hints at something bigger, and brief sightings of both Batman and The Flash allowed for some insights into where this DC universe is taking us.

Injustice Gods Among Us has been out for a while, and it’s safe to say the game has lost some steam since it first debuted.

The first issue of Harley Quinn: Rebirth provided all the background needed for readers who have never encountered Harley Quinn.

And that’s another issue with “Suicide Squad”, which often comes off like the prequel to a “quel” we haven’t seen. But its been a very long time since we have seen a character of his that we like, and Deadshot was definitely one we love.

Earlier, his co-star in the movie Margot Robbie came with a tattoo gun on the set and had tried to draw tattoo on every one present there, including Will Smith, which he escaped somehow. I felt Will Smith’s Deadshot, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn, Joel Kinnaman’s Rick Flag and Jai Courtney’s Boomerang have chemistry and are enjoyable to watch. Viola Davis is absolutely flawless in the role of Amanda Waller, and it is written to really capture the character the way she appears in the comics. While the tones of this film rub against each other and cause a bit of friction at times, there are some really great and fun moments that these character share on screen.

There are a lot of central characters in this film, and that always introduces a challenge.

Hollywood actor Jared Leto has claimed that closeted actors are better compared to those who have been vocal about their sexuality.

My opinion on Jared Leto as the Joker still remains undecided, as frankly there wasn’t enough of him.

The Suicide Squad movie hits theaters nationwide on August 5.

But with all of that said, if you are a DC Comic or Suicide Squad fan or a super anti-hero lover, you will be all in.

His girl has gone from animated guest star to full on movie star, even if not everyone agrees that her debut movie is worthy of her. Some like BuzzFeed’s Alison Willmore also argue how DC and writer/director David Ayer “uses and abuses Harley Quinn” into “damaged dolly j***-*** material”.


In contrary, there are also watchers who thought the film lacked clarity in telling the story.

Suicide Squad