
Jared Leto Isn’t Sure Hollywood’s Ready to Accept a Gay Leading Man

Huffington Post reported that according to critic Richard Lawson, he called “Suicide Squad” as “too shoddy and forgettable to even register as revolting”. “It’s so rare that chicks get to play this role”.


At the heart of the film are Will Smith’s Deadshot, who is desperately trying to make amends with his daughter, and Margot Robbie’s sassy, psychotic Harley Quinn, who is desperately trying to get back to her love, the Joker, Batman’s infamous nemesis.

The writer and director of Suicide Squad, David Ayer, has responded to the negative reviews the film has been receiving.

That scene shows Viola Davis as Amanda Waller presenting dossiers on Aquaman and the Flash to none other than Bruce Wayne himself (Ben Affleck). Maybe just a few times.

The arch-villains embark on a nocturnal mission through Midway City to defeat an ancient enchantress (Cara Delevingne) who has possessed a young archaeologist. With a mixture of the good and the bad, it’s an entertaining film that doesn’t quite hit it’s mark. In “Suicide Squad” a bunch of psychotic killers are supposed to save the world.

“First: Thank you very much for reaching more than 5,000 supporters”, petition creator Coldwater wrote in an update on Wednesday, August 3.

Despite the disappointing reviews, as with Batman vs. Superman with even worse reviews, Suicide Squad is still believed to be a movie that will make a huge amount of money.

The make-up and special effects are wonderful.

“Suicide Squad assembles an all-star team of supervillains and then doesn’t know what to do with them”, Todd McCarthy said in The Hollywood Reporter.

While in Miami, Robbie has a photo taken of her looking at some art work of your favorite comic villain, Harley Quinn. What is wrong with our society that we think this is all right? GREAT! I mean… I loved it. So surprised by some reviews.


Instead he wastes time on the much-hyped appearance of the Joker (Jared Leto), whose presence in the movie is much smaller than the marketing would indicate, and adds nothing to the story.

Margot Robbie