
Jared Leto’s Joker character was partially inspired by David Bowie

Like BvS, director David Ayer treats the audience like a room full of nimrods cramming elementary plot points and back stories in between music videos and action sequences.


Margot Robbie looks absolutely wonderful in “Suicide Squad” – where she is primarily in very short, very tight shorts.

Not having China to help bolster Suicide Squad’s box office certainly makes hitting that target a lot harder. It received a PG-13 rating in the US. So if you’re yet to watch the DC blockbuster then you probably shouldn’t read ahead.

The import and distribution of foreign movies is handled by the State-backed China Film Group, but THR reveals that Suicide Squad is yet to added to its internal release calendar. But are the members of this Suicide Squad so bad after all? The movie is tracking to obliterate box office records in the states, and according to Deadline, is also raking in the dough in plenty of global markets. He began back in 1998 and has covered almost every anime release that’s come out in the USA ever since. On the surface you are meant to see them as psychotic villains, but through the genuine performances by these two you really see that they are just a couple in love. Phew! relief for the makers. Batman v Superman still had a very good, record-breaking opening weekend with largely negative reviews, and there was never a doubt that Suicide Squad was at least going to have a good opening weekend.

Suicide Squad also broke record of biggest openning in Russian Federation for Warner Bros film with $3.9 million. BvS also had a bigger base total to drop from.

Now for those who liked the movie, this news is for them.


Variety reports that the film’s level of violence and dark tone are making it increasingly likely that, despite Warner Bros.’ best hopes, the film will not be making its way to the Chinese box office. As Joker’s girlfriend, Harley Quinn, Margot Robbie tries hard – too hard – to act flagrantly bonkers.

The Suicide Squad brings together a bunch of crazy anti-heroes