
‘Jason Bourne’ review: Best of Bourne rather than Bourne at its best

Matt has since been cast in movies like Syriana, Invictus, and Adjustment Bureau. He has dark pouches under his eyes and walks with a limp, and his good-ol’-boy drawl belies the fact that the man at the helm during an age of cyber-warfare most likely still has an AOL account. “Beep beep! I gotta get to Ben’s house!” And that would have been a lay-up 15 years ago, it would have been five places trying to woo you.


In techno-thriller Nerve, Emma Roberts (We’re the Millers) and Dave Franco (Now You See Me) star as a pair of young adults who are drawn into an online game of “truth or dare” which features an escalating series of staged events that become more risky and life threatening. Matt in 2009’s The Informant! “Remembering everything doesn’t mean you know everything”. So that severely cut into the margins that studios would rather bet big on these big titles.

Jason Bourne is the kind of movie where a computer can alert the Central Intelligence Agency over the internet that someone is decrypting top secret files, only for the very next plot point to be that the very same computer isn’t connected to the internet.

So, between bouts of cinematic mayhem, Bourne indeed gets new perspective on a key event in his past and digs deeper into the long-running question of whether he was once truly a heartless killer or manipulated by his handlers into acting like one.

The pair meet in Athens during protests outside the Greek Parliament, but they are being watched, prompting the film’s first action sequence – an exciting if somewhat overlong chase through the middle of a riot, filmed using the series’ trademark shaky-cam that lends authenticity to scenes while at the same time stirring nausea.

This is certainly a bare bones recap of all the Bourne movies starring Matt Damon up to this point, but it just might be enough for you to follow the latest sequel. “In the end, Chris and I made a decision to sit down and try on the basis of if we found a story we’d make it and if we didn’t, we wouldn’t”. It was definitely a lot of pressure’.

In anticipation of Jason Bourne, Matt Damon broke down all the key fights, evil organizations and heartbreak of the Bourne Trilogy in just 90 seconds.

You can nearly guess the plot details before I lay a few of them out: Bourne (real name David Webb) is drawn out of hiding by Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles) when the existence of yet another secret assassin program – this one called Iron Hand – is uncovered.

Following mid-July premiere screenings in the UK, France and USA, Jason Bourne follows on from a July 27 debut in the UK, Ireland, South Korea and the Philippines with worldwide openings throughout the week: from July 28 in Brazil, Hong Kong, Israel, the Netherlands, Singapore and more, and from July 29 in the U.S. and Canada, Spain, Vietnam and others.


‘Fake movie fighting isn’t actually a good skill to carry around in regular life, ‘ the actor laughs.

JASON BOURNE “Vroom vroom! Beep beep! I gotta get to Ben’s house!”