
Jason is Bourne to entertain

For a span of 12 years, time has taken its toll to Matt Damon and gray hairs are now visible but still that doesn’t stop him from giving justice through suspenseful cat and mouse drama, extensive hand-to-hand combat and endless chasings.


With the new Jason Bourne movie in theaters, Matt Damon sits down for an interview about his return to the franchise.

The action in Jason Bourne doesn’t disappoint, mostly.

“These franchises are really hard to build for all the studios, and if you’re lucky enough to have been associated with one as I have, one that people love, you want the best for it”. But after Nicky’s attempt to enlist her pal in whistleblowing goes violently south, Bourne decides to hunt down the spooks that got her, whether they’re pen-pushers, like the evil Central Intelligence Agency director (Tommy Lee Jones), or hit men, like the sociopath known only as the Asset (Vincent Cassel). “Everyone in Hollywood is trying to get Alicia in their movie right now”. Though the movie is expected to top the box office results for the July 29 weekend, it’s expected to regress from the previous Bourne films and open at roughly $50 million for the first three days.

Jason Bourne is an alright film, but it is missing a few things to make it great.

Director Paul Greengrass, who co-scripted with Christopher Rouse, bookends the story with extended auto and motorcycle chases, with the result that vehicle casualties considerably outnumber the body count from weapons. Sure, it has its moments and will get the adrenaline pumping, but it is the least inspired Bourne flick by far. But the standout performance is from Alicia Vikander (“The Danish Girl”) as Dewey’s cyber ops chief, Heather Lee.

“It’s nearly impossible to plan getting together because you never know exactly where you’re going to be because new projects are constantly popping up and you’re often shooting in different parts of the world”.

There’s an opening chase in Athens that’s reasonably engaging, but by the time we got to the Las Vegas-set climax, I’d mentally checked out. One of the world’s most effective assassins has a beef with Bourne and they chase each other around the world.


It’s a breath of fresh air to see Damon back in this role, one that draws on his innate strengths. The template still works – Jason Bourne is a solid entry in the franchise – but it is starting to show its wear.

Matt Damon. Source Getty Images