
Jay Carney: Obama supports Hillary Clinton

Young people were told if they went to college and worked hard, they would have economic opportunity, she said, but many graduated into an unstable economy and were hit very hard by the recession.


But Sanders says he confident his message will reach the black community.

“Our job is not to divide”.

According to the Post, Sanders is closing the gap on Clinton’s available campaign coffers.

It later emerged that, despite his clear win, Mr Sanders could end up with the same number of delegates from New Hampshire as Mrs Clinton. Angst over Sanders’ appeal erupted recently, when former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said there was “a special place in hell” for women who don’t help women and renowned feminist Gloria Steinem said that Sanders’ female supporters were doing it to meet boys. Hillary also finished second, but unlike Bill, she entered primary season as the established favorite. Clinton is hoping to slow his momentum and her campaign is working to shore up support among black and Latino voters in Nevada, South Carolina and beyond.

Even when Hillary Clinton loses, she still manages to find a way to win. I wonder how many Republicans in New Hampshire voted for Bernie Sanders yesterday. “I think that Senator Sanders has touched on a nerve in the Democratic party, and perhaps beyond, of people who are angry and frustrated at what has happened to them over the last few years and what’s happened to their incomes”. O’Malley’s campaign withered on the vine, while Sanders went the Howard Dean route. That contest featured opponents such as Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, and Joe Biden, later elected Vice President.

Democrats: Sanders, 13 delegates (60.1 percent) topped Clinton, 9 delegates (38.2 percent).

Democrats: Following a race so close a recount was held, Hillary Clinton held on with 700.47 state delegate equivalents (49.84 percent), just edging rival Bernie Sanders’ 696.92 delegates (49.59 percent), in a virtual tie. Don’t be surprised to see a huge Bernie surge in the next couple of weeks as SC voters realize that they may actually have a real choice to make. One of the undecided superdelegates is Ray Buckley, chairman for the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who was barred by state party rules from selecting a candidate prior to the primary in an effort to maintain neutrality.

Sanders has also called for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, though he did so after Clinton.

Mrs Clinton told a young woman the same day that she has to walk a “narrower path” because she has “got to be aware of the fact that I’m trying to be the first woman President of the United States of America, and there has never been one before, and so people don’t have, you know, an image”.

Over in New Hampshire, they use a more traditional voting style, as the Republicans do in all states.

“He doesn’t come from a part of the country where African-American politics are a daily part of political life”, she said.


House Minority Leader Todd Rutherford said he is backing Clinton.

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