
Jeb: ‘Anchor Babies’ Not An Offensive Term

Bush’s foray into the Kochs’ political network holds a bit of irony: The brothers ramped up their engagement in 2003 partly as a reaction to what they perceived as out-of-control government spending by President George W. Bush, Jeb Bush’s brother.


A reporter challenged Trump, asking if he was aware that the term is “offensive” and “hurtful”. Surely Trump has been authentically – even excessively – right-wing on immigration?

However the night time’s fireworks got here when Trump took sq. goal at Bush, the GOP institution favourite.

In contrast, Bush tried to depict himself as the Republican candidate welcoming to minorities.

But when this comes up, Trump’s insouciant reply is that sure, he was a Democrat once.

The animated Trump went on to suggest that anybody who did flip up for Bush’s occasion did not discover it very fascinating. “Give me another word!”

Beyond his new battles with Trump, Bush has consistently faced questions from voters who are skeptical of putting a third Bush in the White House. “It wasn’t that long ago that he was … for a tax on assets”, Bush said. Bush and an allied super PAC raised $114 million in the first six months of the year – giving him more than double the resources of any other GOP contender. There are a lot of people that share the immigrant experience.

I can appreciate the fact that Bush hasn’t run for elected office since 2002, so it takes time to shake off the rust and become more disciplined. Though he’s since backed off the idea as one he’d support for America, he did recently note that the system “works incredibly well” in other countries where it is implemented.

Hillary Clinton’s Latino Outreach Director released a statement condemning the use of “anchor baby” to describe a child born to undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In Bush’s view, that’s not something a true conservative would get behind. Because there are people sneaking in here for the sole goal of having babies so their babies and themselves and their families, because you know how the immigration works, are here.

In a lengthy answer that also touched on the centerpiece of his campaign – his plan to end illegal immigration – the billionaire real estate developer said he would “build the greatest wall that you’ve ever seen”.

Trump and Bush, who remains the favorite of establishment donors, have been clashing frequently over their stances on issues, including immigration, in recent weeks. He’s the only Republican candidate who isn’t calling for Planned Parenthood to be totally defunded.

“The only thing constant is Trump”, he said. Some Republicans might think that’s as bad as Chris Christie’s Obama hug.

“Right down the road, we have Jeb”, Trump said early in the town hall, drawing boos.


“Governor Bush has been clear that we need to have a respectful tone in this debate“, Benavides wrote. “If people are here legally, they have a visa and they have a child who’s born here, I think that they ought to be American citizens”, he said today in New Hampshire. Whether that means him, though, is another conversation entirely.

Donald Trump Bests Jeb Bush in New Hampshire Town Hall Duel